
I was born in Genova (Italy) in 1995, and I moved to Rome with my family when I was 3 years old. After Primary and Secondary school, I attended scientific High School at Liceo Scientifico Morgagni in Rome, obtaining my degree in 2014. I then moved to northern Italy, where I obtained my Bachelor Degree in Computer Science and my Master Degree in Data Science at the University of Trento, respectively in 2018 and 2019.

My Bachelor thesis stemmed from my curricular internship at Enel Italia, which took place for 5 months in 2017; the thesis consisted in applying a basic Data Mining process to the transcripts of the chat conversations between customers and the Customer Assistance Office of the company, with the purpose of performing Topic Detection and Sentiment Analysis. My Master thesis, instead, focused on combining Constrained Optimization and Structured Learning in order to contribute to an AI-based action scheduler for Twitter, meant to assist Social Media Managers in their job. This thesis stemmed from my curricular internship at Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK). During this period I had the chance to contribute to my first publications.

While attending my Master course, between September 2018 and December 2019, I have worked as a technologist at Fondazione Bruno Kessler. During this period I have been developing and integrating a health-related application for virtual assistants, Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant.

After obtaining my Master Degree, I have started working in the Multimedia and Human Understanding Group (MHUG) at the University of Trento by means of a Post-Graduation scholarship, supervised by prof. Elisa Ricci. From November 1st, 2020 I am officially a PhD Student in the MHUG lab. In this lab, we focus on applying Deep Learning, Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence to Human Behavior Understanding tasks. Currently, my main research focus consists in Domain Adaptation in Video Action Recognition.

In the scope of my Ph.D. path, I am currently covering the position of teaching assistant for the Deep Learning M.Sc. cource.



Work Experience



If you would like to get in touch with me feel free to send me an email at giacomo.zara@unitn.com